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Oakview Preparatory School

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Oakview Preparatory School is a Seventh-day Adventist educational institution consisting of two divisions: Elementary (Pre-K - grade 5) and Junior High (grades 6 - 8). The school maintains a non-discrimating policy and includes students from any religious, racial and ethnic background. Oakview Preparatory School was established in 1991 by a group of Educators, (Bronx Westchester Education Committee). The purpose of its founders was to provide quality Christian education for the students of the ten participating churches in the Bronx-Westchester area. Non- participating members may also be admitted. Its goal is to foster moral, Christ-like character, promote academic excellence and prepare its students for service to God and their fellowman. At all grade levels, the curriculum and classroom instruction is focused on maximizing individual student achievement and developing strength of character
The mission of Oakview Preparatory School is to provide a Bible-based, quality education which facilitates the spiritual, moral, mental, social and physical growth of each student. 
Working with the home and the church, our desire is to cultivate in our students the ability to function as independent critical thinkers, able to analyze situations, make responsible decisions, and use his/her God-given abilities in a multicultural society to serve God and man.
With our commitment to the academic framework necessary for the development of literate, articulate students, we are dedicated to the task of restoring the three forgotten “Rs”: REVERENCE, RESPECT and RESPONSIBILITY ...[More]


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