Important Announcements or Snow Alerts For the Winter Months Will Be Posted Here.
Oakview Preparatory School
Schedule and Student Arrival/Departure Policy & Information Daily Schedule
7:45 AM | - School Doors Open (Supervision starts at 8:00 AM) |
8:15 AM | - Classes begin (worship, attendance) |
8:40 AM | - Tardy (come to office for late pass ) |
3:15 PM | - Dismissal (Pre-K to 8th Grade dismissal) All students are to be out of the building by 3: 30 PM |
*3:35-4:45 PM |
- Emergency Extended Care. (Refer to Schedules and Procedures pp. 24 # 3. A contract must be signed) |
5:00 PM | - All students are to be out of the school building |
All students are to be out of the school building. Parents should make arrangement for students’ departure from school immediately upon dismissal. The school cannot assume responsibility for students after school hours unless there is a written permission from the parents of those students that stay for after school activities. No student should be on the school premises after 5:00 PM unless parents have made other arrangements. All After-School activities are completed by this time.
Parents must make special arrangements with the Principal for the After-School Extended Care Service.
Extra-curricular activities may call for After-School continuance of selected students at least once per week. Parents will be advised of the availability and regulations for extra-curricular activities. Parents are urged to visit the school and to acquaint themselves with the programs. Arrangements should be made in advance with the Principal before visiting the school. It is recommended that visits not be made during major examination periods. Parents must receive a pass to visit classrooms.
Parents are encouraged to wait in the designated area until their child(ren) is(are) dismissed from his/her(their) classrooms.
– In case of bad weather, please listen to one of the following radio stations regarding school closing:
WFME 94.7 FM | WFME 94.7 FM | WABC AM | WABC AM | WOR 710 AM | 1010 AM | WCBS AM |
Channel - 5; 1 2 and/or 22 by 5:30 am. |
Check on our website for school closing at (preferred means) Listen for Yonkers Public School Board decisions re: closings, if Yonkers Public Schools are closed, Oakview is closed.
*Students that are in the building within these hours will be asked to sit quietly in the classroom to complete their homework or any other learning activities while they are waiting for their parents.