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Oakview Preparatory School
This school is established chiefly for the training of Seventh-day Adventist young people. Students of other religious persuasions are welcome, provided there is an opening and they show due reverence for the Word of God, maintain a respectful attitude during religious programs and classes, and observe all regulations and policies of the school.
1. Oakview Preparatory School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality or ethnic origin.
2. Pr-K 3 Child must be age 3 years and 6 months by June and Pr-k 4 years old by December for admission.
3. Kindergarten Child must be age 5 years old by December of given year. C
4. Any child applying to first grade must be at least six (6) years of age on or before October first of the current year. A readiness test may be given to determine eligibility for admittance.
5. At the discretion of the school administrator, and/or Admission Committee testing may be required to determine the appropriate grade placement of the child. THE SCHOOL RESERVES THE RIGHT, AFTER TESTING THE CHILD AND COUNSELING WITH THE PARENTS, FOR THE PROPER PLACEMENT OF THE CHILD.
6. Final action on all applications for the admission of the child to the school will be taken by the Oakview Preparatory School Board. THE SCHOOL BOARD RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ADMITTANCE TO ANY CHILD. All new students from grade 4-8 must have at least a ‘’C’’ average or 70 %. The school is not yet equipped for students with extreme special (physical, academic or emotional) needs.
7. All students attending school in the State of New York must comply with requirement for immunization. Verification of immunization must be in the student’s cumulative (CUM) folder before the student enters school. If such proof has not been presented, a student must withdraw from school until such proof is presented or tangible reason given.
8. The school also requires records of a physical examination of the child at the time of first admission to the school. Physical examinations are required before October 1. (See admissions packet)
9. A copy of the Birth Certificate is to be submitted at the time of first application for admittance.
10. Parents of new applicants must complete required information in Admission Packet.
Please review pages 10 - 32 of the Student Handbook for additional school policies