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Oakview Preparatory School
Oakview Preparatory School embraces a Bible-based, top quality, comprehensive CURRICULUM that will:
Integrate faith and learning at all levels (Pre-K-8) and in each subject area. (Help children to see God as the Source of all Wisdom).
Meet the needs of the individual child, i.e. provide for individual needs and special talents. (Remediation and enrichment to be given where and when needed).
Advocate Academic Excellence and Competency in all areas. Set high goals and expectations (spiritually, socially, academically, physically).
Prepare and provide opportunities for loving service to humanity – EVANGELISM
Equip each student with the academic and social skills and graces that will ensure effective interaction and participation in today’s global environment, and ultimately for service in the world to come multi-ethnic and multicultural experiences.
Teach Etiquette – Good manners, courtesy, deportment will be a part of the curriculum K-8.
Follow the guidelines of the Atlantic Union and Greater New York Conference Offices of Education
Meet and/or exceed the requirements/standards of the NYS Department of Education.
The Oakview Preparatory School Curriculum is a composite, Seventh-day Adventist, Bible-based Conference approved, State-accredited program that aims not only to meet the needs of every child, but to foster creative, independent thinking and mastery of all Core subject areas. The curriculum encompasses Bible and Ethics, upgraded Math, Reading, Writing, Science, and Social Studies plus the Arts, such as Music, Art, Computer, Drama, etc., and uses a multi-cultural, multi-lingual, inter-disciplinary approach.
The Curriculum is constantly reviewed in order to keep up with current trends in education without sacrificing the fundamental principles of the Bible and the Adventist Heritage.
Core Subjects: Religion Reading & Literature Social Studies Mathematics Science Communication Arts – (Listening, Speaking, Grammar, Writing, Spelling and Handwriting)
Secondary Subjects: Art, Music, *Choir, Computer Technology, Physical Education, Foreign Language (Spanish/French)
* All grade 8 students are mandated to participate in the school choir at all five performances for the year. Non-participating graduates will not benefit from the fundraising effort.