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Oakview Preparatory School



Teacher: Ruth Reynoso Santos

Welcome to Modern Languages - Spanish / French

A new language is acquired through cognitive, affective and sociocultural processes. That is why in our activities we start from the closest reality of the students; learning by doing is the safest way to internalize the contents.

In our activities we must do things with lexical and grammatical content. You don't speak without listening, nor do you write without reading. That is why in our activities we will pursue the integration of skills within the possibilities of the student's age and linguistic knowledge; using game and rely on the images.

Likewise, we aim to work on all communication skills: oral and written expression; listening and reading comprehension. We want to promote cooperative learning and interaction between equals and in the target language, which is why we constantly ask that the student work in pairs or small groups, always supervised by the teacher. To strengthen spirituality, we will review biblical content previously learned in English, focusing primarily on reading comprehension and written expression. I hope they are useful to you


Notebooks, pen, pencils, posters, index cards, sticky notes, folders, colored pencils, markers, scissors and glue.

Santa Biblia NVI ( Nueva Version Internacional) económica